Honey Onion Baked
Gefilte Fish
2 Onions, sliced into half moons
1T Olive Oil
2-3 T Chopped Garlic (2-3 Frozen cubes)
1t Kosher Salt
1 Loaf Frozen Gefilte Fish, unwrapped
2-3 T Honey
1/4 C Water
Pre-heat oven to 350°. Grease ovenproof dish.
Add olive oil in a frying pan and saute onions. When the onions are browned, add in Garlic, Salt and Honey. Mix well.
Place Gefilte Fish in dish and pour onions over the fish. Add in 1/4 water to bottom of pan. Cover tightly and bake for 90 minutes at 350° F
Serve hot or cold. Cool to room temperature before refrigerating; fish will deflate upon cooling. Slice and serve warm or cold.
Created by: Naomi Nachman, Long Island, NY