Apple Nut Cake


6 eggs
1 cup oil
2 teaspoons potato starch
2 cups sugar
2 cups matzo meal
pinch of salt

Apple Mixture
4 lb.Mackintosh Apples -peeled, cored, sliced
3/4 cups sugar
Juice of one lemon

1/2 cup nuts
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon


Grease an oblong pan (or double for a 9x13 pan).

In a large bowl, mix the batter ingredients. Pour 1/2 the batter in the baking pan. 

In another bowl, mix the apple mixture together. 

Spread apple mixture on top of the batter in the pan. Cover with the rest of the batter

Mix the topping in another bowl. Sprinkle topping on top of cake. 

Bake in preheated oven at 350*F for 1:15hr. Cool before cutting. 

Submitted by Nechami Druck, from Yehudit Caspi A"H